About Us
Our Board
The Board of Directors of UsAgainstAlzheimer’s Action is an all-volunteer board that provides guidance on high-level strategy to advance our mission to end Alzheimer’s.

George Vradenburg
Chairman and Co-Founder
George is Chairman of UsAgainstAlzheimer’s, which he co-founded in October 2010. He was named by U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to serve as a founding member of the Advisory Council on Research, Care, and Services established by the National Alzheimer’s Project Act (NAPA Council) and has testified before Congress about the global Alzheimer’s pandemic.

Jill Lesser
Board Member, UsAgainstAlzheimer’s Action
Jill is President of WomenAgainstAlzheimer’s, a Network of UsAgainstAlzheimer’s. In that role she leads a campaign to find, fund and implement a cure for Alzheimer’s with a focus on the impact on women. Lesser also serves as a member of the UsAgainstAlzheimer’s board. She is a co-founder of the Global Alliance on Women’s Brain Health.

Nancy Zirkin
Board Member, UsAgainstAlzheimer’s Action; Strategic Consultant
Nancy Zirkin is a Strategic Consultant to several public interest organizations, advising on strategy on lobbying, advocacy, and messaging. In addition, she serves in leadership roles on numerous national boards.