Join the Movement to End Alzheimer’s

Policy Issues

Change Act

Take action now by urging your members of Congress to co-sponsor the CHANGE Act

The earlier Alzheimer’s disease is diagnosed, the sooner patients and their families can receive the information, care, and support they need. Yet, studies indicate that fewer than half of patients with dementia have been diagnosed by a physician. 

We need your help to make meaningful early detection for all older adults a reality! Will you contact your Senators and Representative today?  

The Medicare Annual Wellness Visit (AWV) is intended to address health risks and encourage evidence-based preventive care in older adults – including screening for mild cognitive impairment. That’s why it’s so important that the AWV include detection utilizing evidence-based tools identified by the National Institute on Aging (NIA)

Use of these tools will allow clinicians to better detect mild cognitive impairment and other early symptoms of Alzheimer’s. If cognitive impairment is detected, patients are to be referred for additional testing, to community-based support services, and to appropriate clinical trials. 

This bill is supported by Democrats and Republicans in both the House and the Senate, but it needs more co-sponsors to help it pass Congress. Take action now by urging your members of Congress to co-sponsor the CHANGE Act.

Learn more about the CHANGE Act and read the bill here.


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